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  OUR SERVICES: Neuro Emotional Technique


Basic emotions — fear, anger, grief, and others — are part of the normal response to everyday experiences. Generally these emotional responses dissipate as the situation that triggers them resolves. For example, if you encounter a growling dog while you’re walking down the street, you may feel fear. The fear, in this case, is part of the healthy emotional response that protects your survival, and it will normally dissipate when the threat is gone. However, sometimes there are factors that prevent the body from recovering from what was originally a healthy response. The result is a short–circuit or “glitch” in the nervous system, which can affect physical and mental well-being.
Where Do You Keep Your Emotions?

Scientists recognize the connection between the nervous system, emotions, and health. Historically, emotions were thought to reside entirely in the brain. Now we know that emotions chemically affect the body on almost every level. If you’ve ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you’ve been were anxious or a heaviness in your chest when you were sad, then you know first-hand how emotions can affect the body. Moreover, studies have shown that stress and emotional distress can make us vulnerable to illness.

Finding the Short Circuit

The “emotional baggage” associated with past events in our lives (remember Pavlov’s dog?) can sometimes haunt us for years. Like a computer “glitch,” unresolved negative associations are stored in our bodies, often short-circuiting our true desires; even our health. NET practitioners can help you identify and resolve stuck events (real or imagined) that are affecting your ability to have optimal health and well-being.



The Process is Elegant, Yet Simple

Just as static electricity can make your hair stand on end, thoughts and emotions can cause measurable changes in the body. This is the basis of biofeedback and polygraph testing. For example, things that create internal distress, such as conflicting thoughts, unresolved feelings, anxiety, etc., can result in measurable changes in heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, and many other physical parameters. The NET procedure assesses for the presence of such distress as it relates to your presenting problem and provides a means of resolution.


After NET treatment many patients report feeling that a burden has been lifted and that they feel an internal shift. NET provides a sophisticated health intervention in an environment that is comfortable and relaxed. The overall goal of the process is to restore mind-body balance and health.





Dr. Sherry L. Bresnahan
Chiropractic Physician

Animal Chiropractor, AVCA Certified

330 Hiawatha Drive
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156
phone: 847-658-5828
fax: 847-658-5861